Hearings held in Public


In accordance with section 949Y of the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997, every hearing of an appeal by the Appeal Commissioners shall be held in public. However, an appellant can make an application under subsection 3 for a direction that the hearing of an appeal, or a specified part of the hearing of an appeal, be held in camera which an Appeal Commissioner may accede to.

For the most part, Appeal Commissioners allow hearings to be held in camera:

a)to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information, or
b)to protect an individual's right to respect for his or her private and family life.

Below is a list of upcoming appeals that are being held in public:

Date Time Type Name of Appellant Tax Type

* If you wish to view the proceedings remotely, please register your interest with the Commission by emailing tacremotesupport@taxappeals.ie who will then forward you a link in advance of the hearing.

** For data protection purposes, your details will only be used for the purpose of enabling you to view the proceedings and will be deleted immediately after the hearing has concluded.

*** During the hearing, we would ask that you have your cameras switched off and remain muted at all times.